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2012 CSIA Las Vegas


       cell signaling.


The Trump International Hotel

Empire Suite

Las Vegas, Nevada

June 5-6, 2012

About HIME

​We are sponsors of FREE advanced scientific education such as this symposium.

HIME is an Educational Think-Tank whose purpose is to gather, critically analyze, and disseminate scientific information from multiple disciplines...


Communication of key physiologic processes both intra and extracellularly occurs as a result of the translation, action, and balance of precise  chemical mediators.

The dynamic responses of these mediators to  changes in the internal and external environment  of the cell results in either a return of these processes to a state of balance  (homeostasis) or a loss of control and pathophysiologic progression towards a disease state.

 The Inflammatory, as well as many other potentially damaging pathways,  may be over-stimulated.  With continued disturbance of the cell's vital biochemical processes and order, phenotypic diseases such as aging , cancer, and heart disease often result and irreversible cell damage and eventually cell death occurs. Death of the host organism (The Master Cell) results.

   Meet leading researchers in the world of cell signaling, inflammation, and aging who, through advanced  genomic sequencing, proteomics,  and other 21st century analytical techniques, attempt to understand  these disease processes at a molecular level.

The Dr. Herbert Basil Avery Graduate Student Award Lecture will be presented.



Lecture Content Focus:  Mass Spectrometry, Cell Biology, Physiology, Metabolomics, Proteomics, Epigenomics, Stem Cells, Lipidomics, Nutrition 

Copyright 2012 Hawaii Institute of Molecular Education All Rights Reserved

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